Concerts4Good | 2019
Concerts4Good - Music on a Mission is a project that came into being in 2012. It was founded by pianists Carles Lama and Sofia Cabruja (Spain) and has been spreading throughout the world, as a charitable project through music.
It is held in Portugal in conjunction with Porto Municipal Council / Curso de Música Silva Monteiro and is aimed at raising funds for the Music for All / Bonjóia Youth Orchestra common project.
In 2019 is performed the VII edition of Concerts4Good Festival, from 11 to 13 July at the Campo Alegre theatre.
11 JULY 2019 . 9:30 pm
Orquestra Juvenil da Bonjóia
Sfourzzarco Ensemble
Orquestra dos Jovens do Tarn
12 JULY 2019 . 9:30 pm
Robin Hood
by Debbie Campbell
Orquestra Juvenil da Bonjóia
Basic and Secundary Choir classes of CMSM
13 JULY 2019 . 6:00 pm
Robin Hood
by Debbie Campbell
Orquestra Juvenil da Bonjóia
Initiation Choir classes of CMSM
Each ticket has a cost of 10.00 euros, briefly on sale at the Campo Alegre theatre box office.
Previous Events
In 2018, the Concerts4Good Festival was held from the 5th to the 7th of July at Campo Alegre theatre.
05 JULY 2018 . 9:30 pm
The Witch and the Cauldron
Tale | José Leon Machado
Lyrics | Ricardo Sousa, Rita Vieira and Rúben Andrade
Music | Ricardo Sousa and Rúben Andrade
06 JULY 2018 . 9:30 pm
Orquestra Juvenil da Bonjóia
Ensemble de Sopros CMSM
Sfourzzarco Ensemble
07 JULY 2018 . 6:00 pm
The little mermaid
by Christopher Norton