Victor Gomes

Piano Teacher


Victor Gomes did his training at the Porto Music Conservatory (Advanced Piano Course) and at the University of Aveiro (Master's Degree in Music Teaching). He had classes with teachers such as Fernanda Wandschneider, Manuela Araújo, Marília Viana, Carlos Cebro and Nancy Harper, as well as Miguel Graça Moura and Cândido Lima in Composition Analysis and Technique. These latter would later be a strong influence on his achievements as a composer and orchestrator.

Since 1990, he has been teaching the piano and Instrumental Ensemble Classes, under the music coordinated education system, while at the same time working on his career as a pianist, both as a composer and an orchestrator. He has devoted a large part of his work to creating a “teaching repertoire”, particularly for the Instrumental Ensemble Classes. The works include styles of music that go from classical music to pop / jazz. In this context, he has worked with some remarkable composers, including Dutch maestro and composer Pierre Van Hawve and, more recently, with composer Christopher Norton, with whom he has published some works in partnership.

He has composed, arranged and produced a wide variety of works on CD for a number of institutions, particularly for religious congregations.

He has been devoting himself to the conception, adaptation, musical composition and production of a number of theme musicals and operas, as part of his teaching and interdisciplinary activities in the schools he teaches at.

He now gives piano classes and instrumental ensemble classes at Curso de Música Silva Monteiro.

At the same time, he is one of the people responsible for the disclosure, implementation and operation in Portugal of the Rockschool exam programmes in music schools in Portugal.

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