Filipe Roriz

Cello Teacher


He was born in Santo Tirso and began his musical studies at the age of 12 in ARTAVE - Vale do Ave Artistic Vocational School, under Professor António Ferreira.

He continued his studies at ESMAE - Higher Institute of Music and the Performing Arts, under Jed Barahal, where he completed his Bachelor's Degree.

He took part in several further training courses and masterclasses with the following teachers: Jed Barahal, Paulo Gaio Lima, Márcio Carneiro, Anatoli Krastev, Aage Kvalbein and Carolina Landriscini.

He has played in orchestras with a number of maestros, such as: Jaroslav Mikus, Luís Machado, António Sérgio Ferreira, Emílio de César, Cesário Costa, Pedro Neves, Rui Massena, Harry Lith, Christopher Bochmann and Ernst Schelle.

He took part in the 8th and 9th APROARTE national orchestra internship programmes.

In Chamber Music, he has worked with Luís Machado, Raquel Costa, José Ricardo Reis, Jaime Mota, Florian Pertzborn, Marta Eufrázio, Teresa Correia and Pedro Burmester.

He is a member of the CMSM/CMP Lusitanae Ensemble.

He currently teaches the cello at Curso de Música Silva Monteiro and at Nossa Senhora do Rosário School.

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